Difficulty Breathing
If you have had any recent dental procedure or have signs of a dental or mouth infection (pain and/or swelling) and are experiencing any difficulty in breathing or feel that your throat is ‘closing’ contact 000 IMMEDIATELY and call for an ambulance.

Bleeding after surgery
Keep firm pressure on the wound using a moistened gauze swab or moistened cotton wool, for at least 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, gently remove the pack to assess the situation. If the bleeding persists, repeat the process once more. A moistened tea-bag can be used in place of the gauze or cotton wool.
If, after the second application of pressure, significant bleeding persists, please call our office or arrange to be seen by your medical general practitioner or the emergency service at the nearest hospital. Maintain pressure on the wound while being transported.
Some minor oozing of blood is not uncommon for the first twelve to twenty four hours after surgery or extractions, so please bear this in mind when assessing the extent of the bleeding.
Knocked-out Tooth
Time is of the essence! A knocked-out permanent tooth is a TRUE DENTAL EMERGENCY:
- DO NOT handle the roots of the tooth. Handle only the crown portion.
- DO NOT rub or scrape the root of the tooth to remove dirt.
- DO NOT use any water or any disinfectants on the root.
DO NOT TRY TO RE-IMPLANT ‘BABY’ TEETH – the underlying permanent tooth can be damaged in the process.
If the tooth is very dirty, it can be rinsed in contact lens saline or milk. DO NOT USE WATER! If there are no suitable solutions readily available, and you intend to replace the tooth in the socket (the ideal approach) then have the patient lick any superficial dirt off the root.
If possible, replace the tooth into the socket (make sure it is facing the right way) and gently but firmly try to seat it into its correct position. A temporary splint can be made from heavy aluminium foil, to help hold the tooth stable as the patient is taken to the dentist.
If you are not able to place the tooth in the socket, transport it in a clean container, keeping it moist with
- contact lens saline.
- milk
- the patient’s own saliva
If no container is available, and the patient is able to cooperate, place the tooth under the patient’s tongue of in the chichi pouch.
Get the patient to the dentist IMMEDIATELY!
Remember – time is of the essence. A tooth that is re-implanted and splinted within 30 minutes has a good chance of survival. The chances of success drop dramatically as time increases or if the tooth is allowed to dry out.